圆满金刚 发表于 2017-6-20 08:16:17






The Root Guru of guru Pema Tinley Rinpoche is Lama Achur Rinpoche. It has been 31 years since they first met. Pema Tinley Rinpoche spent 29 years studying dharma under the close guidance of Lama Achur Rinpoche.

Pema Tinley Rinpoche has also been studying from many other qualified Lamas. From these precious gurus, whose qualities are of no difference than Buddha himself, Rinpoche has received many great teachings. Here is a brief summary.

Rinpoche always emphasizes that it is of the utmost importance that students observe a teacher well and study well afterwards under the teacher’s guidance. We hope that upon learning from how Rinpoche follows his teachers, as students, we can all ponder on whether we have been doing the same.

主要依止的喇嘛仁波切阿秋法王(the root teacher is Lama Achur )

多科寺堪布西绕,赐予了很多萨迦派的灌顶、传承和窍诀(KhenpoSherab of Dokor monstery, he has given many empowerments,oral transmisstions and pith instructions.)

多科寺堪布西绕,赐予了很多萨迦派的灌顶、传承和窍诀(KhenpoSherab of Dokor monstery, he has given many empowerments,oral transmisstions and pith instructions.)
多科寺堪布格勒,赐予了大日如来和金刚手等萨迦派的很多灌顶(Khenpo Gelek of Dokor monstery, he has given manyempowerments of Sakya tradition such as Vairocana、Vajrapani etc.)

堪布木康萨(印度),赐予了喜金刚、大威德、普巴、空行母、胜乐金刚、密集金刚等萨迦的灌顶(Khenpo Ngul Kangsar (India),he has given many empowerments of Sakya tradition such asHevajra、Yamantaka、Vajrakilaya、Dakini、Chakrasamvara、Guhyasamāja etc.)

堪布木卢丹(印度),赐予了金刚续隘道等萨迦的很多灌顶(Khenpo Ngul Loten (India), he has given manyempowerments of Sakya tradition such as Vajra Tantra)

昌根阿瑞仁波切,赐了一些法缘 (Changken Ari Rinpoche, he hasgiven some Dharma teachings)

色拉阳智仁波切,赐予了广的灌顶、传承和窍诀。Sera Yangchi Rinpoche, he has given general empowerment,oral transmisstion and pith instruction.

多科寺堪布西绕桑格,赐予了大白伞盖的灌顶、传承和窍诀。Khenpo Sherab Sangge of Dokor monstery, he has given theempowerment、oral transmisstion and pith instruction ofUshnisha Sita Tapatra.

果洛堪布白玛洛珠,赐予了杰珍广的灌顶、传承和窍诀Khenpo Pema Lodro of Golok, he has given the empowerment、oral transmisstion and pith instruction of JetsunDzogchen.

德钦多吉活佛,赐予了很多灌顶、传承和窍诀。Tulku Dechen Dorje , he has given many empowerments、oraltransmisstions and pith instructions.
法王如意宝晋美彭措堪布,赐予了四心滴和掌中观佛指引的灌顶、传承和窍诀Khenchen Jigme Phuntsok Rinpoche, he has given empowerments、oral transmisstions and pith instructions of Nyingtig Yabzhi and Observe Buddha in the Palms.

萨迦彭措颇章法王(美国),赐予了普巴的灌顶和传承。HisHoliness Dagchen of Sakya Phuntsok Phodrang(America), hehas given empowerment and oral transmisstion ofVajrakilaya.

萨迦赤钦法王(印度)的赐予了萨迦的灌顶和传承His Holiness the Sakya Trizin (India), he has givenempowerment and oral transmisstion of Sakya tradition.

嘎玛索南活佛,赐予了断法的灌顶、传承和窍诀Tulku Sonam Karma, he has given empowerment、oraltransmisstion and pith instruction of Chod.
石渠白玛旺杰堪布,赐予了四心滴和其他二部灌顶Khenpo Pema Wanggye from Dzachukha , he has given Nyingtig Yabzhi and theother two empowerments.

徳格江嘉活佛,赐予了断法广的灌顶、传承和窍诀Tulku Jamgyal from Dege, he has given general empowerment、oral transmisstion and pith instruction of Chod.

宗萨寺江桑堪布,赐予了萨迦广的灌顶、传承和窍诀Dzongsar Khenpo Jamsang, he has given general empowerments、oral transmisstions and pith instructions of Sakyatradition. 宗萨寺江桑堪布,赐予了萨迦广的灌顶、传承和窍诀Dzogsar Khenpo Jamsang, he has given general empowerments、oral transmisstions and pith instructions of Sakyatradition.

宗萨仁波切,赐予了广的灌顶、传承和窍诀Dzongsar Rinpoche, he has given general empowerment、oraltransmisstion and pith instruction.
多科寺益西桑布堪布赐予了萨迦的教法Khanpo Yeshe Sangpo of Dokor monastrey, he has given teachings of Sakya tradition.上师之师

阿松活佛和白玛程列活佛互授灌顶和传承Both Tulku Asang and Tulku Pema Tinley gave empowerments and oral transmisstions to each other.


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