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Walk Close to My Guru, Pema Tinley Rinpoche








发表于 2017-7-1 16:06:30 | 只看该作者 |只看大图 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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Walk Close to My Guru, Pema Tinley Rinpoche

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It was in 2004 or 2005, a Tibetan friend insisted to bringing me to visit a Tibetan Rinpoche from Yachen Gar, Kham, saying this one was one of Lama Achuk’ s best disciples. I didn't really want to go, because there were so many great Rinpoche visiting Lhasa, and I am not a person easily go crazy for the titles of Rinpoches. But that friend is a very nice person and it was the first time he wanted me to visit a Rinpoche since we became good friends for many years, so I went.

Actually I had no idea what would happen to my future life and what would happen between this Rinpoche and me.

I went with my friend and Rinpoche was staying in a very simple room near Bakhor street. Many, many people waited in line to see him. I didn't understand why the Tibetans were so crazy about that Lama. They came from Lhasa, from the counties around, old and young, monks, nuns and ordinary folks. I had no idea how and why they even get to know him.

I went to see that lama for a few times. And almost every time I had to wait for a very long time. I kind of like him, but couldn't tell why.

In 2007, I decided to move to Yachen Gar. Mum and I both had had enough of the life in Lhasa. We were getting tired of staying in city and wanted to join bigger group of monks and nuns. And my good friend Maria asked Sagya Trichen Rinpoche to make a prophecy for me, and his Holiness Sagya Trichen Rinpoche said, Yachen Gar would be the right place for me to study Dharma.

When I arrived at Yachen, actually I didn’t have a clue of this place. I got into difficult situation very soon. There were nowhere to buy vegetables, and I didn’t prepare any food, and my mum was so old, I had to try to get food for her. Soon I learned how to recognize the eatable wild plants, and that way I solved this problem..

Later I started to visit different Dharma teachers there, but I had no intention to visit Pema Tinley Rinpoche. I thought he was the high Rinpoche for telling prophecy, and for myself I didn't care much about prophecies but would like to make connection with the high lama with full experience in Dharma teachings. One day I talked to an old Tibetan lama and he told me even though there were many Dharma teachers in Yachen Gar, I still should to be careful of making connections with them, as not all teachers were really great. I asked him, ‘how about Pema Tinley Rinpoche?’ and I told him that I met this Rinpoche in Lhasa before. ‘Pema Tinley is a really great Guru in Yachen and he is a very compassionate Guru, you should visit Him.’ He suggested me to go as soon as possible.

So I went to visit Rinpoche---my god, there was a very long line, and I stood in line for about 3 or 4 hours to get to see Him! Rinpoche recognized me right away, though actually I couldn’t recall his face any more! I was a bit surprised, because he received thousands of people every day, how could he remember every one? He gave me a big hug and a very shining smile and some food, and told me if I needed any help, just come to him without hesitation. I was very happy to hear all the kind words but I didn’t visit very often for I was scared of waiting for so many hours in the freeze air. I went only when there were special cases such as I really needed prophecy for myself or my good friends. He is the most powerful Rinpoche in the whole Tibet for telling prophecies. And he can see exactly where the spirits of dead people are and what kind of prayers could help them. That’s why so many Tibetans want to visit him when someone died. They want to help the dear dead, and really very few people master this special ability.

But gradually I got to know many disciples of him have reached enlightenment and even achieved Rainbow body, and I started to pay more attention. Actually the oral instruction of Yachen is very special, and the main teaching is Yeshe Lama. There are more than 20,000 practitioners practice Trechek and Togal together in Yachen, and many people achieved rainbow body or entered into post-death meditation when departing from this world. The living condition in Yachen Gar is very hard but people from the whole Tibet go there to for the practice of the Great Perfection. The oral instruction are mainly of two lineages which are Longsar and Longchen Nyingtik. Oral instruction should be between only two persons, the Lama and the disciple. If there were three people together, it is not allowed to be taught. The oral instruction is very secret and is not allowed to be written down and the disciples are not allowed to discuss the meaning or their experience during the practice. Disciples can only talk about the teachings with the Lama who gave it. There are different methods of teachings in accordance of the different capacities of the disciples. I heard that there was an old woman who was born in Gantse area and lived in Lhasa. When she went to Lama Achuk for Dharma teachings, Lama Achuk told her that Lama Pema Tinley was the Karmic teacher for her. So she went to visit Lama Pema Tinley and after receiving the third oral instruction, she reached enlightenment. Lama Achuk was very pleased by that news and he said high phrase about Lama Pema Tinley. A few years later, that old woman past away in a mountain nearby Lhasa, her body was surrounded by rainbow and her family saw this auspicious sign and reported this to Pema Tinley.

Pema Tinley Rinpoche had given oral instruction to about 10,000 disciples during 17 years and we don’t know how many more students received normal Dharma teachings from him and the number is beyond counting. He gives teachings very often in Yachen Gar and give oral instruction to many disciples every day since Lama Achuk asked him to do it. And not only in Yachen, he also give teachings in many different monasteries in Tibet. In Yachen, every day he received 800 to 1500 disciples in 2 or 3 hours.

He has very sharp wisdom and can give very directly teaching about our pure nature. Once you received the secret oral instruction from him and practice it in the right way, normally you will not be reborn into the Samsara again and you will have great opportunity to go to the pure land in this very life or the next life.

After what I’ve learned from others about Rinpoche, and from my personal experience, I feel compelled to inform as many people as possible the inconceivable wisdom, compassion and teaching ability of Pema Tinley Rinpoche. I sincerely believe that every single being who makes connection with Rinpoche will receive great benefits. This article for my English speaking friends is one small step in that quest. Rinpoche and I are currently in Seattle and we will remain in the west coast of the State for another 3 weeks. I encourage all of you to seriously consider making a connection with Rinpoche at some point. Of course I am available to discuss this with you and to provide more information while I am still here.

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